I Baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, He will Baptize you with HOLY SPIRIT and with fire . (MATTHEW :- 3 : 11)

Monday, 25 July 2011

Pastor K .suresh kumar giveing  bapitism to a believer  who is from hindhu background.

Accepcted Lord jesus as her personal saviour in our revival meetings .

He is the murderer Accepcted Lord jesus as his  personal saviour  through baptisim by pastor k.suresh kumar .

one of oldwomen took the bapitism from pastor k.suresh kumar .

One of our youth took the bapitism from pastor k.suresh kumar.

 Our youth woman  Accepcted Lord jesus as her personal saviour by pastor k.suresh kumar .

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

He is giving baptism to  AIDS patiant and her family.

He is giving salvation message to these members before baptisms.

 She is youngster shine for christ took the baptism from the pastor K.Suresh kumar.

She was accepted jesus christ as her presonal saviour through baptism.

She is youngster shine for christ took the baptism from the pastor K.Suresh kumar.

She is the great gospel singer to taking baptism from pastor K.Suresh Kumar.

Pastor K.SURESH KUMAR giving the baptism to these people.